From the minds of A Hundred Monkeys and No Picnic Press



Names by you,
vetted by professionals.

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How it Works


Come up with your own names using our tried and true resources Don’t Call It That and Go Name Yourself.


Share them with us. We’ll give you honest and constructive feedback and creative guidance.


You use the guidance to come up with more names.


We tell you which names work best and everything you need to know to move forward with your name, and move on with your life.

What You Get

We’ll mail you Don’t Call It That and Go Name Yourself—our established guides to the naming process, and creative name generation. You’ll get professional feedback and creative guidance on two sets of names you develop. We’ll share everything you need to move forward with a name you feel great about.

Don’t Call It That is not a book about naming. It is a step-by-step workbook that walks you through all the ins and outs of the naming process. This book is your best defense against boring names and the people who find them "functional" and "descriptive." The book will help you understand how to approach naming, develop attention-grabbing names, and navigate practical realities like positioning, trademarks, and URLs.

As featured in:

While Don’t Call It That walks through all the ins and outs of the naming process, Go Name Yourself is about coming up with great names in as many ways as possible. It’s a deck of 90 cards that not only guides your naming exercise, it helps to shake the creativity loose.

Two rounds of feedback

We provide the type of feedback we give to each other in the studio when we’re developing work for clients. This includes guidance on things like:




Cool factor




Enjoy that Easy Peaceful Feeling™

that comes with naming experts signing off on your unique brand of creative genius.